Golden State Lactation, IBCLC, Sonoma County IBCLC, Breastfeeding Help, Lactation Consultant, Nursing Mother, Nursing California, Nursing Sonoma County, Carrie Caillouette

Humble Brag

Some of my clients took the time to write a sweet testimonial of working with me I hope they inspire you to reach out

When it comes to help with feeding babies (or holding, swinging, snuggling babies) Carrie Caillouette is THE woman you want in your life. Carrie is chock full of true wisdom but can break down breastfeeding to be simple, understandable, doable and most of all, playful and fun. When you meet Carrie you immediately feel a connection with her as another mother and a friend. Her authentic warmth and love is palpable and I just can't think of a better human to be by the side of another mother trying to figure out how to feed her baby. I am so grateful we have Carrie in the Bay Area supporting mothers and babies, her work is truly changing the world one family at a time. — Kari Kittinger, Motherlove Yoga


Carrie … has been supportive in a way that has been nurturing, nonjudgmental, and transparent.  She is truly an expert with assistance in lactation and beyond. Her advice assisted me through a very difficult time.  My postpartum experience was very difficult.  I feel very lucky Carrie had helped me work through those hard times.  …  I am beyond happy to move forward with [her] support.  —Maggie F.


Carrie is fantastic! She is caring, kind, non-judge mental, and knowledgeable. She takes the time to get to know you, your baby, and understand your breastfeeding/lactation goals. She uses her expertise to create an individual plan that is best suited for you and your family. As a new mom struggling to breastfeed, her confidence and support was exactly what I needed. She truly goes above and beyond and is passionate about the work she does. — Alexis M.


After the birth of my second baby, Carrie reached out to check on me. Our correspondence became a lifeline as I navigated sore nipples after my milk came in. Carrie's gentle friendship and wisdom allowed me to trust her enough to allow her in during those early and tender moments, half naked, nursing a babe, or trying to, while she chatted with me like an old friend. She quickly noticed a tongue tie to follow up about and helped direct me to the best person Kaiser Santa Rosa has to offer. I'll never forget her gentle presence as she helped orient me in my early postpartum daze." — Allie J.


Carrie was so instrumental in the beginning of my breastfeeding journey. She was a well of knowledge, experience, support and completely judgement free. She was such a breath of fresh air and brought a sense of humor which made me feel more like a human and less like a robot. My son refused to take a bottle after 6 weeks and although Carrie gave me wonderful suggestions and encouragement, I ultimately walked away with confidence. We went over some positions that worked better for my son’s latch and my body and also what might work better for feeding in public so I felt comfortable. My son is now 18 months old and exclusively breastfed. I know my relationship with breastfeeding has continued to be positive because she helped me break down the stigma I had around my son not taking a bottle which ultimately worked so well for our family.” — Kayla


I loved working with Carrie. She was a skilled, generous, and kind presence while my daughter and I were sorting out a possible cows milk protein allergy. She gave us lots of pro tips for soothing a colicky baby including teaching us the one way to hold her which actually calmed her down. It was such a relief to have someone on speed dial who understood my concerns and was able to respond promptly and effectively. I can’t recommend her highly enough! — Beth T.

Carrie was very helpful and resourceful in trying to get my daughter to latch - all while doing it virtually!


I have flat nipples and my daughter just had her tongue tie clipped so we were using the nipple shield which I wanted to stop using. Carrie observed as I nursed my daughter while offering helpful tips/tricks/suggestions and we latched her virtually without the shield! She even provided me with tongue tie exercises after the frenotomy which our ENT didn’t even mention!  — Anna P.